Become a Member
Southwestern Yacht Club is continuously welcoming new applicants for membership who share boating interests, want to socialize or enjoy themselves as part of our active community. We have a variety of memberships that allow for everyone, individuals, couples and families, to have fun at Southwestern Yacht Club.
Take a virutal tour of the Club!
As you fill out the application, some questions may arise. We hope this will help clarify matters for you.
Ninety percent of the prospective membership falls into one of two categories.
- Flag membership is available to any person 21 years of age or over who owns a boat not less than 14 feet overall in length. A Flag member is eligible to vote at meetings of the membership, hold elective office, and enter his/her boat in Club races.
- Regular membership is available to any person 21 years of age or over who does not own a boat. Regular members are not eligible for elective office nor shall they be entitled to vote on proposals other than dues and assessments.
- If you do not fall into either of these categories, please contact our Membership Director at 619-222-0438 x 111. We can help you determine your membership category.
During the application process, we do have to ask some confidential information about you.
- Date of birth, employer and Social Security number are needed for the person in whose name the membership will be held. We would like you to know that every attempt is made to keep your personal information private. Before your application is submitted to the Membership Committee or posted on the Club bulletin board, your date of birth and Social Security number are removed. SWYC will obtain a credit report as part of your application. Only the Club Manager, Club Treasurer and Membership Chair will review this report.
- Personal reference should be someone who is not a member of Southwestern Yacht Club.
- Yacht Club Sponsors must be two members in good standing, at least one of whom must hold a separate Flag, Regular or Life membership. They are required to fill out a confidential Southwestern Yacht Club Sponsor Form for you.
- Finally, you will get to the fun part - on the last page, circle the activities that interest you. Please include a short letter describing your boating experience and your interest in SWYC. Upon approval of your application, you will be placed in a Conditional membership for 12 months. Initiation fees must be paid in full when you are approved for Conditional Membership. During this first year, you must meet certain requirements, including involvement in two Club activities. You can meet this volunteer requirement by contacting the activity chairs who will be happy to involve you in their functions.
We hope the process goes smoothly for you. The Membership Committee looks forward to meeting you and processing your application. We wish you fair winds and following seas!
Cora Curry, Membership Committee Chair
Fee Schedule
Southwestern Yacht Club Bylaws require a 2/3 vote of the Flag members to raise its fees. Please see Article V, Section 15: A. Charges.
All initiation fees, dues, assessments, surcharges, dry storage fees, slip rental fees and locker rental fees shall be established by the Board of Directors, subject to approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Flag Membership, except that the Regular Membership may vote on dues and assessments only. A special meeting must be called for this purpose.
SWYC Fee Schedule
Sea Trial Program
For a limited time only, you can take a “Sea Trial” at Southwestern Yacht Club to see if membership is for you.
That’s right! A NO RISK TRIAL as our guest for six months with virtually all the benefits and pleasures of membership. You’re invited to partake of all the wonderful activities outlined in the New Member Information Package and, in addition, you’ll have the run of the bar and galley, the small boat hoist, use of the guest dock for your boat and the opportunity to meet all of the wonderful people who call Southwestern their “boating family”.
When your Sea Trial ends, we are sure you’ll want to continue to enjoy all that Southwestern has to offer. At this point you may convert your six month Sea Trial as our guest to Full Membership at Southwestern Yacht Club.
For more information contact the Membership Director about our Sea Trial Participant Program at 619-222-0438 ext 111 or by email.
Apply Now
To start the application process, please complete and send in the following membership application with two completed confidential sponsor forms.
[email protected] 619-222-0438 x111